Monday, August 16, 2010

Why "Worth My 2 Pennies"?

Some of you might be wondering why I'd name this blog "Worth My 2 Pennies". Well there are a few reasons.

First and foremost...I'm a bargain hunter. Doesn't mean I don't buy expensive things, I just like to make sure my money is well spent whether it be on inexpensive things or designer things.

Secondly, I am Filipino American. For some reason Filipinos tend to get sayings wrong all the time, so my husband and I thought it would be fun to play on this particular weakness of the Filipino culture (and I'm allowed to because I'm Filipino). My mom (and sometimes my dad) get little sayings like "oil change" and "let the cat out of the bag" completely mixed up. My parents would say, "change oil" and "let the kitten out of the purse". One time my mom went to the box office at a movie theater and asked for two tickets to see "Indecent Exposure" when she really meant "Indecent Proposal" you get my drift (or as my parents would say, "you caught my drift"). I'm certainly not trying to be disrespectful to my heritage, rather I'm playing with it and having fun with it. Believe me, even my parents get a kick out of their misunderstanding of how to use American sayings.

Oh yeah, the third and final reason I used this blog title is because my2cents and every variation of it was already being used, plus (now that you've been given a background on my decision making) this is much more fun! Don't you agree?

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